One of the biggest problems with many of these "forever shall remain nameless" stores is that...there is no damn dressing room, the quality of the goods is not always up to par, and the return policy is usually in store credit. This means you have to rummage through the racks to make sure you are getting your dollar's worth. This means that although there is no dressing room you better try that dress on over your shirt to make sure it at least fits.

I know, I know, what's a big girl to do? Well, if I'm making the 40+ minute drive to Baltimore to shop at these hot spots then I'm going in deep. Sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do, and in this case this woman had to try the clothes on top of her clothes (yes, I'm speaking in 3rd person), luckily I wore jeggings that day. My shear shirt also had a tank top under it so this girl was good to go! Know before you go!

Oh, and while these pics are based on an impromptu Baltimore shopping trip (no girddle, yikes!), make the best of the experience. If you can't laugh while spending a dollar that means shouldn't be spending a dollar...I'm just sayin!